Just to show that I'm not the biggest slacker-blogger on the Web, I want to direct you to my guest-post on AEA365: A tip-a-day by and for evaluators. I chose my "tip" because I think structural equation modeling (SEM) and logic modeling would complement each other very well, but very few researchers have combined the two approaches. Those of us who use SEM know how important it is to have strong prior theory for model fit and valid conclusions. We could learn a lot from evaluators who are skilled at developing logic models. Conversely, theory-driven evaluators could improve their practice by carefully attending to statistical power, construct validity, attenuation due to measurement error, and the decomposition of total effects. I am very interested in hearing others' opinions on this issue, so please leave a comment here or at AEA365.
A logic model (left) operationalized as a partial mediation growth model (right)
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