Multilevel Rasch: Estimation with R

My last post described how test development designs could be thought of as multistage sampling designs and how multilevel Rasch could be used to estimate parameters under that assumption. I decided to use Rlogo.jpg to compare estimates from the usual Rasch model, the generalized linear model (GLM) with a logit link, and generalized linear mixed-effects regression (GLMER), treating items as fixed then random effects. The GLMER model with item fixed effects exhibited the best fit of the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) data provided with the ltm package. Moreover, intraclass correlation has reduced the effective sample size relative to simple random sampling, lending further support to the multilevel Rasch approach.

#Load libraries.

#Prepare data for GLM.
LSAT.long <- reshape(LSAT, times=1:5, timevar="Item", varying=list(1:5), direction="long")
names(LSAT.long) <- c("Item", "Score", "ID")
LSAT.long$Item <- as.factor(LSAT.long$Item)
LSAT.long$ID <- as.factor(LSAT.long$ID) #Compute Rasch, GLM, and GLMER estimates and compare fit.
out.rasch <- rasch(LSAT, constraint=cbind(ncol(LSAT)+1, 1))
print(xtable(summary(out.rasch)$coefficients, digits=3), type="html")

value std.err z.vals
Dffclt.Item1 -2.872 0.129 -22.307
Dffclt.Item2 -1.063 0.082 -12.946
Dffclt.Item3 -0.258 0.077 -3.363
Dffclt.Item4 -1.388 0.086 -16.048
Dffclt.Item5 -2.219 0.105 -21.166
Dscrmn 1.000

out.glm <- glm(Score ~ Item, LSAT.long, family="binomial")
print(xtable(summary(out.glm)$coefficients, digits=3), type="html")

Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(&gt |z|)
(Intercept) 2.498 0.119 20.933 0.000
Item2 -1.607 0.138 -11.635 0.000
Item3 -2.285 0.135 -16.899 0.000
Item4 -1.329 0.141 -9.450 0.000
Item5 -0.597 0.152 -3.930 0.000

out.glmer <- glmer(Score ~ Item + (1|ID), LSAT.long, family="binomial")
print(xtable(summary(out.glmer)@coefs, digits=3, caption="Fixed effects"), type="html", caption.placement="top")
print(xtable(summary(out.glmer)@REmat, digits=3, caption="Random effects"), type="html", caption.placement="top", include.rownames=F)

Fixed effects
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(&gt |z|)
(Intercept) 2.705 0.129 21.029 0.000
Item2 -1.711 0.145 -11.774 0.000
Item3 -2.467 0.142 -17.353 0.000
Item4 -1.406 0.148 -9.498 0.000
Item5 -0.623 0.160 -3.880 0.000

Random effects
Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
ID (Intercept) 0.502 0.70852 <- glmer(Score ~ (1|Item) + (1|ID), LSAT.long, family="binomial")
print(xtable(summary(, digits=3, caption="Fixed effects"), type="html", caption.placement="top")
print(xtable(summary([,-6], digits=3, caption="Random effects"), type="html", caption.placement="top", include.rownames=F)

Fixed effects
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(&gt |z|)
(Intercept) 1.448 0.379 3.818 0.000

Random effects
Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
ID (Intercept) 0.45193 0.67226
Item (Intercept) 0.70968 0.84243

print(xtable(AICs.Rasch.GLM <- data.frame(Rasch=summary(out.rasch)$AIC, GLM=summary(out.glm)$aic, GLMER.fe=summary(out.glmer)@AICtab$AIC,$AIC, row.names="AIC"), caption="Akaike's information criteria (AICs)"), type="html", caption.placement="top")

Akaike’s information criteria (AICs)
Rasch GLM GLMER.fe
AIC 4956.11 4996.87 4950.80 4977.25

#Easiness estimates.
easiness <- data.frame(Rasch=out.rasch$coefficients[,1],
GLM=c(out.glm$coefficients[1], out.glm$coefficients[1]+out.glm$coefficients[-1]),
GLMER.fe=c(fixef(out.glmer)[1], fixef(out.glmer)[1]+fixef(out.glmer)[-1]),$Item))
print(xtable(easiness, digits=3), type="html")

Rasch GLM GLMER.fe
Item 1 2.872 2.498 2.705 2.527
Item 2 1.063 0.891 0.994 0.917
Item 3 0.258 0.213 0.237 0.224
Item 4 1.388 1.169 1.299 1.201
Item 5 2.219 1.901 2.082 1.938

#Estimated probabilities of a correct response.
pr.correct <- sapply(easiness, plogis)
row.names(pr.correct) <- row.names(easiness)
print(xtable(pr.correct, digits=3), type="html")

Rasch GLM GLMER.fe
Item 1 0.946 0.924 0.937 0.926
Item 2 0.743 0.709 0.730 0.714
Item 3 0.564 0.553 0.559 0.556
Item 4 0.800 0.763 0.786 0.769
Item 5 0.902 0.870 0.889 0.874

#Difficulty estimates.
difficulties <- easiness*-1
print(xtable(difficulties, digits=3), type="html")

Rasch GLM GLMER.fe
Item 1 -2.872 -2.498 -2.705 -2.527
Item 2 -1.063 -0.891 -0.994 -0.917
Item 3 -0.258 -0.213 -0.237 -0.224
Item 4 -1.388 -1.169 -1.299 -1.201
Item 5 -2.219 -1.901 -2.082 -1.938

#Calculate design effects and effective samples sizes from intraclass correlation coefficients and sampling unit sizes.
multistage.consequences <- function(ICC, N) {
M <- nrow(LSAT.long)
n <- M/N #number of responses per item
deff <- 1+(n-1)*ICC
M.effective <- trunc(M/deff)
return(data.frame(ICC, M, N, n, deff, M.effective))
model.ICC.Item <- glmer(Score ~ 1 + (1|Item), family=binomial, data=LSAT.long)
ICC.Item <- as.numeric(VarCorr(model.ICC.Item)$Item)/(as.numeric(VarCorr(model.ICC.Item)$Item)+pi^2/3)
multistage.Item <- multistage.consequences(ICC.Item, 5)
model.ICC.ID <- glmer(Score ~ 1 + (1|ID), family=binomial, data=LSAT.long)
ICC.ID <- as.numeric(VarCorr(model.ICC.ID)$ID)/(as.numeric(VarCorr(model.ICC.ID)$ID)+pi^2/3)
multistage.ID <- multistage.consequences(ICC.ID, 1000)
multistage <- data.frame(cbind(t(multistage.Item), t(multistage.ID)))
names(multistage) <- c("Item", "ID")
print(xtable(multistage, digits=3), type="html")

Item ID
ICC 0.159 0.070
M 5000.000 5000.000
N 5.000 1000.000
n 1000.000 5.000
deff 160.295 1.281
M.effective 31.000 3903.000

#Plot test characteristic curves
plot.tcc <- function(difficulties, add, col, lty) {
thetas <- seq(-3.8,3.8,length=100)
temp <- matrix(nrow=length(difficulties), ncol=length(thetas))
for(i in 1:length(thetas)) {for(theta in thetas) temp[,which(thetas==theta)] <- plogis(theta-difficulties)}
if(missing(add)) {plot(thetas, colSums(temp), ylim=c(0,5), col=NULL, ylab=expression(tau), xlab=expression(theta), main="Test characteristic curves")}
lines(thetas, colSums(temp), col=col, lty=lty)
plot.tcc(difficulties=difficulties[,1], col="black", lty=1)
plot.tcc(difficulties=difficulties[,2], add=T, col="blue", lty=2)
plot.tcc(difficulties=difficulties[,3], add=T, col="red", lty=3)
plot.tcc(difficulties=difficulties[,4], add=T, col="green", lty=4)
legend("bottomright", c("Rasch", "GLM", "GLMER, fixed items", "GLMER, random items "), col=c("black", "blue", "red", "green"), lty=1:4)


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